My friends and I had been wanting to get ahold of an N600 since we were in our early teens. The small size meant any power upgrades would be extremely effective, and we wanted something that we wouldnt have to dump a TON of money into. I belive it was our junior or senoir year when I took a vacation to North Carolina. On the trip there I was pulled over for having a tailight out. I found a backyard mechanic and pulled in to see if he had one. While he was rumaging through some boxes, I was walking around his backyard, where there were 20+ old cars sitting in tall grass. Thats when I saw it. A beat to hell N600. After the guy found a bulb for me I asked him how much he would want for it. He said $100 cash takes it. So I called my buddies, who promptly drove 7 hours through the night to pick it up.

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